About the app


You're In Control of What You Share
Create an album that others, friends and family can or cannot view. That others can or cannot upload their own additional photos and videos to. Sezzso allows photos and videos that are submitted by others to be automatically added to an album, or you can set the security so that they will not be added without receiving your approval first. You can decide if people that you have shared your albums with can share the photos and videos with others, or whether only you as the administrator and creator of the album can invite people to join and view the album.

Stay Informed
You will receive push notifications of any activity on the app (new photos – new videos being added, users, friends and family, wishing to join etc)

Stay Photo and Video Organised
Create albums that make sense of your past photo and video history. Upload from your libraries. Give the album a name – share and you're done.

Free Up Memory On Your Phone
Photos and Videos are held in the cloud. Once there - delete from your phone and free up memory.

Create New Personal Album Experiences
Take new photos and videos with your camera from within the app, or upload existing videos and photos that you already have saved. Having a party? Attending a wedding? A festival? Or just a family day out? Get others who are attending the same event to share an album of here and now photos and videos. You will see these videos and photos in real time as they add them to the album. You see what they see. Don't miss out on promised photos from friends and family ever again. As they take them, you get them.

Create Commercial Photo Albums
Get customers, clients, diners, attendees at your business event, restaurant, festival and so much more to join an album you have created and upload their photos.

Add Comments, Memories & Details
Each photo and video can have a written message given to it. Users can comment on each video or photo and interact and discuss it.

Keep Sharing
Photos taken and uploaded to Sezzso can be shared across all the familiar messaging and social media apps.

Stay Safe
If sharing is not an option for an album. Keep it safe under the lock and key of a password so no one else can see it.

After 2 months or going over 250 Photos:
Sezzso showcase

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